Wednesday, February 23, 2011

MCC Endgame Group 23/2/11

At the moment we have a great dynamic group at the Melbourne Chess Club Endgame Group with plenty of interaction and shared ideas, anecdotes, and theoretical and practical experiences. Tonight we were looking at the pawnless endgame of rook and knight versus rook. This is generally drawn, but there are plenty of practical chances for the stronger side to fork or skewer, or to create mating threats, especially if the defending king is near a corner. We started with a few studies to see some winning ideas. Try to work these out and I'll post the answers at the weekend.

The first 2 were fairly quickly solved by Bill Jordan, with the rest of us not far behind. The third caused a bit more trouble, but only in finding the first key move. Then it was solved pretty quickly. The fourth proved the hardest, and was actually the first we looked at.

All the below positions are white to play and win. Good luck :)

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